Nestled in the rolling hills and mountains of Vermont lies literally the sweetest little factory imaginable. It is the Ben & Jerry's Factory, and my family and I were lucky enough to be able to go there this weekend.

Never one to pass up an opportunity to eat ice cream, especially Ben & Jerry's, I was ecstatic. After a short tour of the facility, and an education on how their delicacies are made, patrons are then given a sample of their glorious ice cream. The best part? There was a listing on the counter of the ingredients in the sample for those of us with food allergies.

How fabulous is that? To be able to effectively monitor what you are ingesting while on a tour, I thought was an amazing thing. Instead of crossing your fingers while standing on one leg, hoping in our little allergic souls that we don't get sick from the wonders we are about to partake of, someone has taken care of the worrying for you.

As all of us know, being on vacation can cause havoc in our systems, so this moment of mine was a scoop of heaven and was very much enjoyed and appreciated. Enjoy your summers fellow glutenators!